Vote for CubeWorld PvE Server

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote nova
Uptime 37.6 %

Game: Cube World


Hello we have a Cube World PServer configured. With 250 slots to 1000 Mbits in Germany.

We want to build a user friendly community and you are invited to warm.

The server runs in PvE .

We invite you not only to play on this server with us but also seek GM `s forum moderators, coders and graphic designers and Yoububer and streamers may like to join the Team.

To apply for the team / project simply useless the forum link or write an email to me: [email protected]

If the 250 slots we can be more fully without problems adden slots.

The Maschiene is sufficient at the moment with 64 GB of Ram and a 12-core CPU.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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