Vote for TalvorGames

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote MMDGAMEZ_732
Players 1 / 100 (2 years ago)
Uptime 94.24 %

PvP Legal Votifier Server Version 1.15


TalvorGames is an unique Skyblock server. The islands size is 1500x1500. Yes, thats enormous. First of all, each item has a rarity. For exemple, UNCOMMON pickaxes may have 5 chance of double loot, UNCOMMON swords may have +1 damage. Then, the crafting has been replaced by a fully custom Crafting GUI. You can also do quests to get some reward shown at top of screen. Finally, there are a lot of NPCs to talk in spawn to improve your items, get rewards for completing tasks. There are many other things to discover.

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