Vote for Shadow Empire 1.12.1

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Votes 0
Last vote xXrebaskXx
Uptime 56.21 %

PvP Factions Cracked Votifier Server Version 1.12.1


A faction server where pvp actually exists. hosted in france. Language is english. Dungeons released. Raiding and griefing are allowed. the world border is 6000 so bases cant be made too far, so all bases need to be protected. Offline explosions are off, explosions wont happen when all faction members are offline, but after logging out will trigger with a slight delay. So logging off wont save your base from getting griefed, fighting is the best option So you need to go and knock on your enemies door while they are online, not go there like a ..... when they are offline. There are no op kits, only kit tools which gives stone tools. For donators there are more kits but those arent that game impactful, noone gets to buy fly gm etc.

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