Vote for Hydreigon Network

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote Dr_Thanos
Uptime 16.46 %

Survival PvP Legal Votifier Server Version 1.8.7


Main purpose of the server is to have a fun and enjoyable evening morning or night with friends and or family. The server is a really fun place for players who enjoy Survival and like to pvp which is at our /warp pvp But we have Staff members who are dedicated to helping those in need.

We have the following staff ranks Trainee Moderator Head Moderator Junior Admin Admin Co-Owner and Owner and our website is If you have any questions you can message me here on my skype tphlosionplaysmc or on the website or even ingame Im online majority of the time and my friend Daredevils323 and I Owner and share anything related with the server So come and join

I promise you, you will not regret a single thing c:

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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