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Uptime 51.54 %

PvP Factions Legal Version 1.8.1


Hello guys. Im here to introduce BeastNetwork (BETA), which is a Faction server with many features - and it will come more every day. We started making the servers a few days ago, and we now want players to come test it out, and to tell us what we could do better on it.

Were also in need of staff, but if you are one of the people that joins just to ask for staff, you can just spare yourself and dont join at all.. Were not hiring any staff before they have atleast played on the server for a week.

We have currently only one ip, which is the old server names ip, but it will hopefully be changed pretty soon.

If you want to check out the server, and be friendly to tell us what we could have done better, you can just join and check it out whenever. Were open for every suggestions people have to give.

Hope to see some of the people there, we never say no to some new friends.

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