Vote for Vanaadin Prison | 576 Ranks

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Votes 0
Last vote ninja3042
Uptime 35.37 %

Survival PvP Legal Votifier Server Version 1.8.1


Vanaadin Prison has much to offer, 576 Ranks, Heaps of money making methods.. You wont be getting bored anytime soon.

Here at Vanaadin Prison we also listen to our players whilst also TRYING to get a prison atmosphere, That may be hard to do with the prison area themes not matching PRISON GENRE but just think of the AA part as.

-- Youre a prisoner being sentenced for an unknown reason, Your job is to mine and sell the minerals to the prison and eventually all the money made has had a % taken out for your BAIL requirement, You will eventually pay it off and get released back into the world. --


576 Ranks 15+ Money Making Methods 24/7 Plots Crates Months of countless fun Good Player Community Active Staff Listening Staff Members --

We aim to please our members with a MINECRAFT jail experience whilst keeping the fun. If you feel youre losing interest in Vanaadin Prison, Contact the staff members why you are, And suggest adding new things. Im sure they will contact me about it and it might be added.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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