Vote for HouseyCraft

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote Not had any votes.
Uptime 3.09 %

Survival PvP Cracked Version 1.7.9


Hey,Welcome To HouseyCraft,An Amazing Survival Server.
-If you play more than 1 hour on the server you will have the rank "Member"
-if you play more then 10 hours on the server you will have the rank "Trusted"
-if you play more than 10 days on the server you will have the rank "Knight " [/heal every 10 mins,/kit knight,/i DiamondSword/DiamondPickaxe every 10 mins]
-if you play more then 50 days on the server you will have the rank "Gm1" and you will have acces to /gm 1 and /gm 0

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