Vote for FrostikCraft

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote alistairb
Uptime 0.18 %

Survival Legal Votifier Server Version 1.6.2


Owner - Strikerboy606
Co-Owner - alistairb
Admin - Taken
Moderator - Taken


We are currently trying to get it so when you sign up to the website you will become a Member.
The server is 24/7.
This server does have Creative but for VIPs only, when you purchase VIP you will be able to have access to other VIP rooms. If you feel like building house but dont want anything to be stolen/broken? Then you can go on down to the Protected Plots and claim a Plot and it shall be protected. Votifier wont give any diamonds or money at the moment due to the fact that no listeners work.

Please donate by typing /buy in-game for ranks and help us get better Server Specs.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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