Vote for Glitch Fire DarkRP

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote Not had any votes.
Uptime 4.78 %

Game: Garrys Mod


Glitch Fire DarkRP is server with a clean, fresh and fun roleplay experience. We strive in having high quality content custom content to ensure our players get an experience unique to any other server out there.
We see new players every day and our staff are dedicated to giving you a safe place to play and have fun in. Every minute you spend on our servers will be enjoyable and we hope to see new friendly faces on there like you.

Some of our most notable features are:
- Frequent Updates
- Custom Content
- Cars
- Weapon/Item Unboxing
- M9k Weapons
- Skins and Accessories
- Realistic Mechanics

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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