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We at PxLegend feel as though the server should be more than just a community of people you put up with on a daily basis, we feel as though it should be a place of belonging and relaxation. We work day and night to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible to ensure that playing our server is relaxing, instead of stressful. You can be yourself here, not worry about anyone judging you for who you are, what you like, or what you believe in. With our grief prevention system you dont have to worry about having your builds destroyed. You can store all your loot and go off mining (or training) without worry. Another unique aspect of our server is upon selecting your starter pokemon, you may find that its shiny, but thats okay. All the starter pokemon are shiny. Thats right your favourite shiny starter will be yours with just a click. Think thats all there is, think again. Here at PxLegend we feature never before seen minigames. (because our owners made them up themselves.) Minigames such as FossilDig, and PokeballFactory. (Dont want to give it all away now) Are you curious yet? If so come check us out, you wont regret it. As soon as you join the server, expect to be greeted with a warm welcome and all the help you can handle. Another thing our server features is approachable staff. (And owners.) Anyone on the staff team would love to help you with any and all problems you may have so dont be afraid to ask. (Seriously, we get bored without you guys, ask for help its okay.) The server is brand new, no desolate wastelands, no abandoned houses, no eyesore half finished towers to the heavens. All the ore is still where it belongs, underground. (also in the shop) We have it all here on PxLegend, good people, friendly staff, all the pokemon you can catch, all the pokeballs you can make, and all the minigames you can play. So feel free to stop on by, well see you around.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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