Vote for PlayFaction

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Server statistics
Votes 0
Last vote Chiletheboss
Uptime 53.61 %

Survival PvP Factions Legal Votifier Server Version 1.8.3


1. Build and Explore

Establish your new faction and build a fortress for it to call home. Gather materials and upgrade armor and weapons in preparation for battle.

2. Slay Players, Factions, & Mobs

Search the world and hunt others for their precious loot to call it your own. Roam the world to slay mobs and bosses such as the Wither or use the beast against other Factions. No faction is unraidable. Obsidian is breakable by multiple explosive hits.

3. Celebrate & Repeat

Return home and cache the loot. Celebrate and have a victory dance on the pole you installed yesterday in the base. Next, return to the scene of battle. There is no ending.

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