Vote for GamesCraft - Minigames Hub Ser

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Uptime 69.99 %
Website http://www,

Creative PvP Minigames Legal Version 1.7.9


Welcome to GamesCraft. A Very new, minecraft server which currently includes the following things. Bow Spleef, Tnt Tag, Creative Plots, Skyblock and lastly Minigame Shuffle. Minigame shuffle is a fairly new minigame we made, it basically runs through a bunch of cool, fun minigames with you having to do anything. It includes the following minigames Spleef, Minefield, Race Parkour, Dead End, Disintegration, Last Archer Standing, Sheep Frenzy and Smoke Monster. We are currently working on including Slap Fight, Chicken Tag and Color Match.

In this server we currently have a shortage of staff, if you would like to apply for staff follow the guide on the GamesCraft forums over at We have a great hub and arcade, with everything joinable from the hub. In the hub we have pets, so you guys can have pets follow you around the server. We have also made it so you dont have to donate to use all pets, we have set all pets to everybody. You can also ride your pets, make them follow you, name them, call them, wear them as a hat and more.

If you decide to join, we really hope you enjoy yourself.

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