Vote for BiomeFactions | MCMMO | 24/7

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Uptime 58.62 %

Survival PvP Factions Cracked Version 1.7 and 1.


We are a very well setup factions server. We have a great owner. We are cracked and you can use 1.8 and 1.7. Biomepvp is mostly about factions and pvp killing. But its also about getting Money and buying items. The shops are balanced, and not too easy to MAKE MONEY and not too hard either. We dont have overpowered kits and we dont plan on making them, The spawn is a small one so theres more pvp activity. And the shops rip you off so that you dont use them as much. Join the server and dont miss out on all the fun.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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