Vote for RiverCraft

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Votes 0
Last vote Not had any votes.
Uptime 16.59 %

Survival PvP Legal Version 1.7.1


The server is primarily vanilla with just a few supporting bukkit plugins.

Join our facebook group.

We are veteran players from beta minecraft coming together to start a new server from scratch. We are playing surival mode with minor supporting plugins such as an economy and land claiming. We are making the world river themed meaning we will be using rivers as our primary source of transportation, building along waterways, and using fish as our primary economy. Please come join us and have fun.

This server is children friendly and will be kept that way at all times.

While we are starting we are keeping the server small but once we have the server built up we will be expanding the player cap.

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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