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Uptime 4.52 %

Survival Creative PvP Minigames Skyblock Legal Version 1.8.8


This server supports all of 1.8, wed like to see new players come on and join the community, great spawn has been made for Survival, its an economy server, so you make money to buy things and sell, you can own your own residence which stops greifers from greifing your house, and much more. We currently have 7 worlds, Survival, The End, Nether, Spawn, Creative, SkyBlock, and SkyBlock Nether. We also have 41 plugins currently to bring you a fun experience, 3 wonderful admins... Magicskid, Ivanhovan, CrispKat and 1 helper... ripcord_2000, were excepting staff applications, so if youd like to be staff you can apply just come on and ask for the link, we hope to see you soon.

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