Vote for PirateSage

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Votes 0
Last vote Not had any votes.
Uptime 39.42 %

Factions Legal Version 1.7.9


We have various features. What you see below are just a few small examples of what our server contains.
Cannons: Yes we do have the cannons plugin. Obsidian can be destroyed with diamond cannonballs. To keep the power down we have only allowed 3 cannon balls as of now, diamond, stone and gravel.
Reporting: Found someone that has hacked/abused on out server? Instead of your message getting lost in the chat you can use /report to let staff members know.
Tickets: If for some reason you are in need of help, instead of your message getting lost in chat like when trying to inform admins of cheating players. You are able to create a ticket in-game that will be stored and ready for staff to later read.
Helpful Staff: The goal of our staff members is to insure your enjoyment on this server. Every staff member is evaluated, we only pick the best.
All rules are reasonable, and are fairly easy to follow. Breaking any rule with result in a punishment.
No client-sided mods other than Optifine
Dont complain in the public chat
Dont exploit bugs, flaws, etc
Dont spam, be offensive or use ALLCAPS
Dont combat-log
Dont advertise other servers here
We have restricted faction names
Dont build above the Nether limit
Dont ask for a staff rank or ask if we have open positions

A website made with for online servers like Minecraft!
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