How to use BBCode on ServerPact?

You can format your server description with BBCode.
This allows you to emphasize things bold or italic the post.
You can insert images. (Maximum of 3)
(Images will be scaled if there too large)

[b] *bold* [/b]
[i] *italic* [/i]
[u] *underline* [/u]
[title] *title text* [/title]
[small] *small text* [/small]
[gamemode] *gamode tag word* [/gamemode]
[extra] *extra tag word* [/extra]
[tag] *one tag* [/tag]
[code] *text code* [/code]
[img] *url* [/img]
[url=*url*] *text* [/url]
(Links are not clickable displayed)

BBCode only possible with the "server description text".

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